Probate in Idaho: 6 Simple Things To Know Now

 Probate is a legal process that occurs after someone passes away. It ensures that the assets left behind by the deceased individual are distributed according to their wishes if a will is in place, or as per the state laws if no will exists. Essentially, probate is the way to wrap up the financial and legal affairs of the person who has passed away. Probate in Idaho can be a simple process, but it depends on many factors, like the size of the estate, the complexity of the assets and debts, and how well the beneficiaries (also called heirs) agree on the outcome.

When Does Probate Happen?

Probate occurs when someone owns assets in their name at the time of their death. These assets can include real estate, bank accounts, investments, personal possessions, and more. If the deceased individual left a valid will, the court uses it as a guide to distribute their assets. If there is no will, this is called dying intestate, and the state’s laws determine the distribution. 

The Role of the Personal Representative

In Idaho, the person responsible for managing the probate process is referred to as the “personal representative.” (In some states this person is called the “executor.”) This individual can either be the one designated by the deceased person in their will or someone appointed by the court.

The personal representative plays a vital role in the probate process, ensuring that assets are distributed fairly and debts are settled.

The personal representative’s responsibilities encompass several critical tasks:

  1. Identifying and valuing the assets owned by the deceased individual.
  2. Settling debts, taxes, and other expenses using the assets from the estate.
  3. Distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries in accordance with the will or state law.
  4. Wrapping up any pending matters and ultimately closing the estate.

Simplified Probate Process

Idaho offers a simplified probate process for smaller estates, known as the “small estate affidavit.” If the total value of the assets falls below $100,000 and the deceased person did not own any real property (like a home), you might not need to go through the full probate process. Using this affidavit can save both time and money.

Timeline for Probate in Idaho

After the personal representative is appointed by the court, it may take a while to complete all of their responsibilities. The timeline for probate can vary significantly, taking anywhere from several months to a year or more to complete. The duration depends on factors like the complexity of the estate, the presence of disputes among beneficiaries, and other variables. The court oversees the process to ensure that everything is handled correctly and fairly

Costs of Probate

The cost of probate can vary due to court fees, attorney fees, and other related expenses. Generally, these costs are covered using the assets from the deceased individual’s estate. However, it is crucial to plan for these expenses in advance, as they can potentially reduce the inheritance left for the beneficiaries

Avoiding Probate

Many people seek ways to avoid probate by employing strategies like setting up living trusts or joint ownership of property. While these methods can be effective in avoiding probate, it is essential to consult with an attorney to ensure they are set up correctly and align with your wishes.

A trust must be in place before a person passes away. Once the trust is created and the person’s assets, things like the home they own and their bank accounts and investments, are in the trust, probate may not be needed.

Joint ownership of bank accounts and real estate may cause problems that are important to discuss with an attorney or your accountant.

Next Steps

If you would like to learn more about probate in Idaho, you can read about probate in Idaho Code, Title 15, Chapter 3 or check out more of our website.  If you have a loved one who has passed, contact an attorney in your area to help you determine your next steps. If you have a loved one who lived in or owned property in Idaho, give Alan R. Harrison Law a call to guide you through the process.